Cubicle Confidential
Weekly Advice for the Working Stiff: Having problems with people at work? Does your boss suck? Do your co-workers drive you crazy? Tim McClure and Chris DeSantis are here to help. Each week Tim and Chris take on your most outrageous workplace questions and concerns. Their advice is sometimes spot-on, sometimes salty, and sometimes funny. (Funny, as in “haha” not as in “I’m funny how? I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”) They’re good guys, not Goodfellas.
Cubicle Confidential
Should I Grit or Should I Quit?
In this episode, Chris and Mary help listeners answer the perennial career dilemma: How do you know when it’s time to grit or time quit that job (or that boss)?
Wanting it all in Winnipeg wants to know how to grit it out with a toxic boss--until she can get out. Bored in Baton Rouge wants to know if boredom is a good enough reason to quit a job. (Hint, Mary says “yes”, and Chris says “no”). Moving on Up in Minnesota worries about hurting her boss’ feelings and wants to know how to quit without burning bridges.
A must listen to episode for anyone who wants to quit that job!
Send us your workplace dilemmas! Email us: info@cubicleconfidential.com or tweet us: @cubicleconfide1. All names will be changed to protect the guilty and innocent...
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