Cubicle Confidential
Weekly Advice for the Working Stiff: Having problems with people at work? Does your boss suck? Do your co-workers drive you crazy? Tim McClure and Chris DeSantis are here to help. Each week Tim and Chris take on your most outrageous workplace questions and concerns. Their advice is sometimes spot-on, sometimes salty, and sometimes funny. (Funny, as in “haha” not as in “I’m funny how? I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”) They’re good guys, not Goodfellas.
Cubicle Confidential
Political Animals
Religion … money … politics … in the modern workplace almost no subject is off limits. This week we help a listener in Texas do the two-step when his new teammates talk politics. The Gaylord hotel, the Curse of Knowledge and the toppling trees of the biosphere are a few more ingredients in this week’s stew.
Segments in this episode:
- Damned if You Do, Damning if You Don’t in Lubbock - “My new coworkers talk politics all day … do I dare reveal myself as being on the other side of the aisle?”
- Chris shares his “A-E-I-O-U” framework for enabling productive engagement and fostering genuine dialogue
- The Gist: “How to Change Someone’s Mind” by Katy Scott as posted on INSEAD.edu. This though-provoking piece references “1,001 and One Nights” and Scheherazade’s psychological judo.
We want to hear about the drama, the dilemmas, and the conundrums that you face at work! All names will be changed to protect the guilty and innocent.
Send your emails to info@cubicleconfidential.com
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