Cubicle Confidential
Weekly Advice for the Working Stiff: Having problems with people at work? Does your boss suck? Do your co-workers drive you crazy? Tim McClure and Chris DeSantis are here to help. Each week Tim and Chris take on your most outrageous workplace questions and concerns. Their advice is sometimes spot-on, sometimes salty, and sometimes funny. (Funny, as in “haha” not as in “I’m funny how? I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”) They’re good guys, not Goodfellas.
Cubicle Confidential
Everybody’s Got One …
How do you deal with a little old lady who happens to be a liar and a slacker and a favorite of the owner? Can you advance as the nice guy at a firm full of cut-throat alphas? In this episode Chris and Tim share advice for dealing with office a-holes.
Segments in this episode
- Sweet Old Lady My Ass in Omaha - “She’s a total jerk but the owners love her!”
- Nice Guys Don’t Even Get in the Race in Boston - “I need to be an asshole to get promoted?”
- The Gist: “5 Proven Tactics For Dealing With Jerks At Work” by MeiMei Fox
We want to hear about the drama, the dilemmas, and the conundrums that you face at work! All names will be changed to protect the guilty and innocent.
Email us: info@cubicleconfidential.com.
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