Cubicle Confidential
Weekly Advice for the Working Stiff: Having problems with people at work? Does your boss suck? Do your co-workers drive you crazy? Tim McClure and Chris DeSantis are here to help. Each week Tim and Chris take on your most outrageous workplace questions and concerns. Their advice is sometimes spot-on, sometimes salty, and sometimes funny. (Funny, as in “haha” not as in “I’m funny how? I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”) They’re good guys, not Goodfellas.
Cubicle Confidential
Well, that was awkward…
This week, we hear from listeners who are experiencing some cringey situations in their workplaces. Tune in to hear Mary and Chris’s suggestions about how to take the awk out of awkward.
Cat’s Out of the Bag in Benton works with a cat lady…who brings her cats into the office. He doesn’t like cats, but the cats apparently like him. They end up under his desk, on his cubicle shelf, or occasionally in his seat. He told HR about the problem, and they told him to sort it out. Short of putting them on a leash, what should he do to get these cats out of his office and life?
A Hamburglar Lurks in Little Rock works in an office of about 70 people and one of them is a food thief. Lately, people are complaining that someone is stealing their food from the shared fridge. The catch? It’s the boss! They saw their empty freezer bag that they use for their afternoon snacks in the boss’ trash can. Do they call him out? Report the boss to HR? Or leave it to (hopefully) blow over?
Mayhem in Memphis is organizing the annual “bring your daughters to work” day. One employee wants to bring her non-binary son into the office. Their company isn't very progressive, and they are worried about negative reactions and possibly bad publicity. On a personal level, they’re completely fine with it but are unsure if everyone else will feel the same way. How should they manage this delicate situation?
We’re here to help you succeed! Send us your workplace dilemmas or career questions. Email us: info@cubicleconfidential.com or tweet us: @cubicleconfide1. All names will be changed to protect the guilty and innocent...
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